What is Wellness Coaching?

A wellness coach provides tailored guidance and health solutions for clients to transform their personal, professional and physical well-being.

By focusing on personal strengths, we empower individuals to develop skills and enhance qualities that already exist within themselves.

We aim to create an atmosphere of success, encourage personal growth through inspired action and achieve desired goals.

What is Reiki


Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese healing technique used for reducing stress, relaxing the physical body and promoting positive well-being. Reiki healing is administered by a variety of techniques that include “laying on hands” to balance our seven emotional centers (chakras) of the body. If our energy is low, then we are more likely to feel depleted. If our energy is high, we are more likely to feel healthy and happy. When translated, reiki literally means universal (Rei) – life energy (Ki).

Why improve my health?

Gaining clarity and finding alignment is a general desire for most humans. We design personalized programs using a variety of techniques that include wellness coaching, nutrition plans, aromatherapy, exercise, meditation, and naturopathic solutions.

By combining comprehensive mental processes with sound physical practices, we are creating positive momentum towards wholistic health.


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